Covid-19 Safe Management Plan
Date Posted: 9 July 2021

We’d like to reassure you that the cleanliness and hygiene of our store has always been a top priority.
With the complicated situation that we are currently faced with, we will be implementing extra precautions to maintain a clean and safe environment for our customers.
Safety measures we currently undertake:
- Scoops, funnels and spoons are washed and sanitised after each use.
- Staff regularly wash their hands
- Staff regularly clean benches, equipment and surfaces in the store.
- All jars bought in for repurposing are washed and sanitised.
- Staff are asked not to come into the store if they are sick
Additional measures we are implementing:
- During restricted times, we will be temporarily implementing a STAFF ONLY SERVICE of our scales and on all our bulk refills.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided for customer use
- Hand sanitiser will be available for staff
- In addition to current surface cleaning requirements, staff will now wipe down door handles, lids, handles, pumps, scales, POS machines, door handles, keyboards, touch screens and light switches multiple times each day.
- We may place limits on items that are in short supply.
What you can do to assist:
- Use the Qld governments QR Code to check in on arrival into the store, paper based sign in slips are available to anyone that does not have the app. Information is transferred to elctronic form at the end of every day and kept for 28 days in line with current requirements.
- We ask that if you feel unwell, have travelled to any of the red zones or affected areas or are showing signs of contracting the virus, please refrain from coming into the store.
- Perhaps take advantage of our click and collect service and ask a friend to collect on your behalf if you are unwell. Our website remains fully operational and gives people the option of buying online, and having our staff pick and pack your order ready to collect on most bulk items.
- Ensure that the containers you are bringing into refill are cleaned thoroughly and dried. You may also wish to leave your bottles/jars with us to fill and collect later in the day.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
Thank you,
The Replenish Refill Team